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【活動搶折扣】Inglesina Pushchair Aptica 暢銷商品省錢

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Inglesina Pushchair Aptica 設計式樣: Niagara Blue · 2019

The distinctive glamorous style of this pushchair will delight trend-conscious and modern parents immediately. The Aptica is not only a sporty companion, it also scores with convenient handling and plenty of comfort for your tiny human.

With a width of only 50 cm, the agile Aptica is super easy to manoeuvre. The sprung suspension ensures a smooth ride on any terrain. The sports seat has a particularly high backrest and supports your child in all stages of growth until s/he has grown out of the seat. You can decide whether you wish to install the comfy seat unit in a forward-facing or rear-facing mode - that way, you can always meet the needs of your child. Your child can either enjoy the ride while looking at mom and dad, or else relax and lean back while looking forward and marvelling at where the stroll in the Aptica takes him. If your child wishes to take a nap, the adjustable backrest and the adjustable footrest, which can even vary in length, provide him/ her with an optimal reclining area for resting. With the lined footmuff, a rain cover and the retractable canopy you are well prepared for all seasons.

Thanks to the continuous push bar, mom and dad can even steer the state-of-the-art Aptica with one hand. The spacious mesh basket has a convenient compartment which can be locked separately.

Extravagant details such as the chic fabric selection and subtle faux-leather inserts contribute to the stroller's Italian glamour.

Irrespective of the direction in which the sports seat is attached to the chassis - the folding mechanism works very easy. Enjoy easy handling with just one hand. When folded, the push bar does not touch the ground.

Tip: The chic change bag, which can also be used as a practical backpack, stores all necessities and niceties needed in everyday life with a baby. You can get this great accessory matching perfectly with your Inglesina Aptica!

Details of pushchair Aptica:

  • Aluminium chassis with width of only 50 cm

  • Ball bearing wheels

  • Folding and unfolding is done with one hand

  • 特賣超值推
  • 5-point harness

  • Lockable swivel front wheels

  • Reversible seat unit

  • Suitable for children weighing up to 15 kg
  • 網購人氣商品好康報報

  • Fabric cover is removable and washable at 30°

  • Including footmuff, bottle holder, rain cover

  • Dimensions unfolded: 50 x 112 x 84 - 99 cm

  • Dimensions folded: 50 x 90 x 42 cm

  • Weight: 12.3 kg
  • 暢銷商品省錢

  • Made in Italy




Inglesina Pushch購買折扣air Aptica






快訊/美航空公司地勤劫機起飛 遭F-15追截後墜毀

美國西雅圖塔科馬機場,當地時間10日傍晚突然停止客機起降,原來是阿拉斯加航空集團旗下的Horizon Airlines一名地勤人員,劫走一架龐巴迪Dash 8飛機還擅自起飛,當時機上沒有其他乘客,軍方隨即出動F-15戰機追截,不久後飛機墜毀,至於地勤人員下落和動機,還需要進一步釐清。

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Inglesina Pushchair Aptica

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