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英國女子公開賽》重壓之下奪冠 曾雅妮:難以置信!

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更新日期:2010/08/02 02:45 麗台運動報



在最後一輪出發前,曾雅妮很期待拿冠軍,「球場的變數很大,往往一個洞就能扭轉局面,所以有些緊張。」不過,曾雅妮坦言,赫爾(Katherine Hull)的好狀態給她很大的壓力,特別是到了最後4洞,更是緊張,「最後4洞打得很艱難,赫爾一路糾纏著我,她真的是個了不起的球員。」



Yani Tseng, 21, makes major history with Women's British Open win at Royal Birkdale

By Derek Lawrenson Last updated at 11:20 PM on 1st August 2010

Yani Tseng 2, America 2. Such was the final score at the end of this women's major championship season and for all the talk about the dominance of the Koreans in the female game, it is an extraordinary 21-year-old from Taiwan who is currently giving the sport's traditional powerhouse the most trouble.

At Royal Birkdale on Sunday, Tseng claimed not only her third major in all by winning the Ricoh Women's British Open, she became the youngest woman to win so many.

On Friday she had talked about how daunting it was trying to fill Annika Sorenstam's trophy cabinet, following her purchase of the highly-decorated Swede's Orlando home. Not for much longer, if she carries on like this.

Sorenstam sent her a text on the eve of the final round, telling Tseng to trust in her abilitiy. It didn't work out that way, as an all-too visible attack of nerves suffocated the majesty she had shown over the first three days.

With a four-shot lead over a nearest rival without a single top three finish all year, Tseng had been expected to coast to victory. All day, however, she had to battle herself as much as her gallant Australian opponent Katherine Hull, before holing a six-foot putt for par at the last to claim the title by one.

As for the home challenge, what a contrast to the joyous celebrations at Royal Lytham last year, when the Scot Catriona Matthew won. This time, not a single British player finished in the top 20.

In Melissa Reid, Florentyna Parker and 18-year-old amateur Kelly Tidy, Britain hopefully have three young players who will change all that in the future.

But, who's going to catch the brilliant history-maker Tseng, winning the biggest titles the game can offer at an age when players are usually only just turning pro?

Talk of the day -- Tseng becomes youngest woman to win 3 majors
Yani Tseng of Taiwan emerged as the youngest woman golfer to capture three majors, after she won the British Open at Royal Birkdale Sunday.

Her previous wins came in the 2008 LPGA Championship and the Kraft Nabisco Championship in March this year.

The 21-year-old, who held off Katherine Hull of Australia by just one stroke Sunday, said afterward in an interview with the CNA that she was very happy to be able to clinch her third major title in the third year of her professional golf career.

The following are excerpts from local media coverage of her success story:

China Times:

Tseng made history Sunday when she won the Women's British Open title and 260,000 pounds (US$408,000) in prize money. She is the youngest champion in the event's history and the first Taiwanese golfer to conquer the coastal Royal Birkdale course since the LPGA Women's British Open was launched in 1976.

Tseng realized the dream that veteran Taiwanese golfer Lu Liang-huan pursued 39 years ago. In 1971, Lu, now 75 years old, lost to Lee Buck Trevino of the United States at Royal Birkdale by one stroke.

Tseng has become the fourth Asian golfer to have her name engraved on the championship trophy since the British Open was upgraded to a major LPGA event in 2001. The other three Asian winners have all been South Koreans.

Tseng was also the first female golfer to win both the Kraft Nabisco Championship and the British Open in the same year.

"It is great to have won three majors, " a tearful Tseng said Sunday.

Tseng, who led from round one, went into the final 18 holes with a four-shot lead.

"I usually come from behind to win. I've never won from the front before," she told reporters. "So I was nervous and tired with all the pressure and attention out there today...It was the toughest win I've had to date." (Aug. 2, 2010).

United Daily News:

Tseng broke down in tears after she triumphed in the final day showdown with Australia's Katherine Hull on Sunday to win the British Open.

She appeared totally in control on the first 54 holes, shooting 68 in every round and dropping only one shot, but was much more on edge Sunday and the tears flowed after she made the final putt.

"I was so tired and the last few holes were so hard, " an emotional Tseng said. "I felt so much pressure out there and it's been an unbelievable day. Even when I sunk the putt at the last hole I had to ask my caddie 'did I win?'

"Katherine played some awesome golf and pushed me all the way. She's a great, great player."

In an interview with the CNA, Tseng said her win in the British Open meant a lot to her.

"It was at a very special seashore course in the country where the sport originated... It also marks improvement in my golfing skills," a jubilant Tseng said. (Aug.2, 2010).

Liberty Times:

Tseng said she seemed to have hit a low point after she won the Kraft Nabisco Championship. A week before the British Open, she went to see her psychologist to get some advice.

"She reminded me of some things. She asked me to recall what I think about when I play well and what I was thinking then. She wanted me to compare the differences, " Tseng said in a post-game news conference.

Her instructor also suggested that she sing while playing on the course. "She advised me to always look happy and look like I was enjoying playing. I sang even when I was playing badly. Singing helped me to change my way of thinking. This approach has proved useful."

As to her favorite songs, Tseng said she likes to sing Taiwanese pop hits. "Chiang Hui's and S.H.E.'s songs are my favorites. Their hits have often helped me to play golf in  a happy mood and make me less nervous," she said. (Aug. 2, 2010). (By Sofia Wu)

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