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2007-12-14 01:00:23| 人氣330| 回應0 | 上一篇


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艾薇兒 MSN (Roxy Theatre不插電Acoustic演唱會) 全球首播 http://music.msn.com.tw/concert_video.asp?vsid=56

Check out MSN and MSN Music promoting the November 29th
launch of Avril’s 1 hour Control Room Performance!

Check out MSN and MSN Music promoting the November 29th launch of Avril’s 1 hour Control Room Performance!

MSN will launch Avril’s “In Concert” show across all of their
entertainment sites in over 40 countries!

Avril performed an intimate show on October 16that the Roxy in LA where she sang some of her previous single smashes such as
Sk8er Boi, Complicated, My Happy Ending, Don’t Tell Me
as well as her recent singles such as Girlfriend and Hot!

The MSN properties featuring Avril combined have over
90 Million Monthly uniques and
over 20 Million DAILY uniques!!

台長: 小傑"~^^~
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