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2007-02-13 01:17:32| 人氣252| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

MSN 對話錄 -- 關於電影

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仍然任性 說:
i watched a film that give me so much inspiration recently but i dun have time to write down it
Janet 說:
what film?
仍然任性 說:
i was getting lazy and you can see i used to qouted word or song from elsewhere and wrote just a few words
Janet 說:
by the way, i watched a DVD last night called " The lake house" also gave me some new thinking too
Janet 說:
仍然任性 說:
"The lake house" from Korea?
Janet 說:
so when i open the essay and sas just a song ... then i will immediately change to see other things
Janet 說:
not from Korea
Janet 說:
should be a US or Englisn
Janet 說:
仍然任性 說:
oh that’s the western film but the film company bought the copy right of that korean film
Janet 說:
仍然任性 說:
reply Janet 說:
what film? a western movie named "prestige"

仍然任性 說:
chinese is 死亡魔法
Janet 說:
oh is the one talking about 2 魔法 people?
仍然任性 說:
Janet 說:
outcome is : one of them actually are twins
仍然任性 說:
both of them have talnets in playing magic
Janet 說:
仍然任性 說:
you watched it?
Janet 說:
i watched it last last week
仍然任性 說:
仍然任性 說:
the words impressed me most is :
仍然任性 說:
you must masking yourself from the ground up once you want to be succeed
Janet 說:
yes what is that ?~
仍然任性 說:
it’s horrible as we are human being. we are not besats
Janet 說:
Janet 說:
one person need to live in 2 different life
仍然任性 說:
and it’s much terrible than being a beasts and they can’t or don’t masing as humans do
Janet 說:

Janet 說:
Maggie.. do you on msn day time ?
Janet 說:
I on msn in day time also since my office allow to !!
仍然任性 說:
not very often as I need to go to school
仍然任性 說:
i think it’s late so you and I need to sleep
仍然任性 說:
i may try to online in school if i can
Janet 說:

Janet 說:
talk to you next time
仍然任性 說:
anyway, i found a link that’s the original version of ...Lake
Janet 說:
sleep well
仍然任性 說:
仍然任性 說:
you too

台長: mANG mANG
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全站分類: 電影賞析(電影情報、觀後感、影評)

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