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【本日限時刷卡折扣】Hauck 運動型推車 Shopper Neo II 團購熱門產品活動產品



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Hauck Pushchair Neo II 設計式樣: Caviar/ Aqua · 2019

This pushchair is the perfect companion for any shopping trip or journey on which you and your little one discover the world around. With only one hand you can easily release the lock and fold the Neo II into a compact size - a real treat for when you are traveling by car, bus or train or climbing stairs. Due to its compact folded size you can even store it in any car boot.

Lockable swivel front wheels contribute to the pushchair's manoeuvrability. The bottle holder/ tray keeps baby's bottle or mom's and dad's coffee easy to reach and the large shopping basket offers enough space to store all necessary items needed when being out and about with a tiny human.

The Neo's backrest can be adjusted into a full reclining position single-handedly and also the footrest is adjustable in order to make your little one feel comfy and safe. A viewing panel integrated in the canopy supplies your child with fresh air and always lets you keep an eye on him or her. Furthermore, the pushchair features a little bag on the canopy where you can store important items such as mobile phone or keys.

Ultimate protection while riding in the pushchair is guaranteed by the padded five-point harness. When making a brake on any of your trips, you can easily use the locking brake for additional safety.

Items delivered:

  • Trendy pushchair

  • Bottle holder


  • One-hand folding mechanism

  • Wheel-suspension

  • One-hand adjustment of backrest

  • Bottle holder with large tray

  • Plastic wheels

  • Locking brake

  • Large shopping basket

  • Wipeable

  • Recline angle on backrest 104 to 156°

  • 3-fold adjustable backrest

  • 4-fold adjustable footrest
  • 限時商品購買折扣

  • Lockable, swivel wheels

  • Removable front wheels and rear wheels

  • Five-point harness

  • Weight: 8,8 kg

  • Size folded: 92 x 54 x 38 cm

  • Size open: 92 x 52 x 106 cm

  • Seat width: 30 cm

  • Height of push bar: 100 cm

  • 戰利品大力推薦
  • Length of lying surface: 78 cm

  • Length of seat and backrest: 26 / 44 cm

  • Diameter rear wheels: 17,5 cm

  • Diameter front wheels: 17,5 cm

  • 最新
  • Suitable from birth up to 15 kg




Hauck 運動型推車 Shopper Neo II





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Hauck 運動型推車 Shopper Neo II

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