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My mom's Daily one.

Write to 何金鳳
Recently I have been watched kidney research as donor shared their live organ. As 700k people live with one kidney and not sure if they born with just one like my Godpa or what are their story? I saw my husband was the donor at the end of time as he had planned ahead. Some people did what my husband did and others very few doing live donor. That is not a story or a TV or movie show as those real medical cases happened everyday. I have seen most people are receiver and I have not seen any donors in my lifetime yet. We all have one life to live as I believed strongly in prevention. Hopefully you are too.

台長: 夏寒
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全站分類: 心情日記(隨筆、日記、心情手札) | 個人分類: 修行 |

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