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2012-12-17 10:08:38
2013-04-18 11:31:45
2013-09-21 11:56:17
2013-03-11 10:09:44

Chant and Song of Numbers

Chant and Song of Numbers本周幼兒班主題 : 數字 Numbers (Chant)1 and 2, 3 and 4,5 and 6 came through the door.7 and 8, 9 and 10,One more time,let's do it again.1 and 2, 3 and 4,5 and 6 came through the...

2013-02-27 11:18:19

My Story Time: Chinese New Year

20130201 Chinese New Year 農曆新年 * Warm up Song: Baby Animals Song Baby Animals SingAlong! * Phonemic Awareness &Phonics & activities 音韻覺識及發音訓練1. Phonics Plus+ chant c, dsong c, d2...

2013-02-23 22:40:55

My Story Time: Babies (Pictures)

因為年假, 這篇照片等了一個月才出來,隔一段時間再看, 還是很喜歡當時的氛圍。謝謝 Terry 媽媽,一直覺得上課有人側拍是件幸福的事~~^_^

2013-02-15 11:53:17

My story books about snakes


2013-02-11 19:29:06

Songs about Snakes

It's a DogBa-ba-ba-ba x 3Ba~~It's a dog. Woof! Woof! x 2It's a cat. Meow! x 2It's a dog. Woof! Woof! x 2It's a cat. Meow! x 2Ba-ba-ba-ba x 3Ba~~It's a bird. Chirp!Chirp! x 2It's a snake. S~~s~~ x 2It'...

2013-01-24 20:26:04

Songs for Chinese New Year

很多年前我開始做主題時,新年的相關歌曲不多,所以就自編了幾首應景歌曲。我對編曲不是很在行,就簡簡單單錄了陽春版,媽媽們請多包涵喔! The Animal Song (Tune: This Old Man) http://www.youmaker.com/ ...

2013-01-18 15:45:59

My Story Time: Babies

* Warm up : Say hello to the fan with baby picture What’s Your Name Song * Phonemic Awareness &Phonics & activities 音韻覺識及發音訓練 1. My First ABC : Aa ~~Ff 發音體操 2. different kinds o...

2013-01-17 10:30:17



2013-01-10 14:28:44

The Songs about Babies

Baby Animal SongA baby cow is called a calf.A baby dog is called a pup.A baby cat is called a kitten.This song's all about the babies. x 2A baby horse is called a foal.A baby bear is called a cub.A ba...

2013-01-06 13:53:15

My Story Time: Greetings(2)

* Warm up : Say hello to the puppet (teacher). What’s Your Name Song暖身活動: 向手偶及老師說哈囉 & 歌曲複習* Phonemic Awareness & Phonics &activities 音韻覺識及發音訓練 1. different kin...

2013-01-04 10:08:02

My Story Time: Greetings(1)


2012-12-30 14:57:00

The Songs about Sleeping and Night

本周我們要唱與睡覺或夜晚相關的歌曲~~好好睡喔! 小寶貝們!Twinkle Twinkle Little StarTwinkle twinkle little starHow I wonder what you areUp above the world so highLike a dimond in the skyTwinkle twinkle ...

2012-12-21 23:00:25

2013 春季夏季師訓預告


2012-12-20 12:27:24

The Greeting Songs

下星期五(12/28),我的幼兒故事班要開班了,滿心歡喜期待著要與小朋友們見面, 一起來唱一些適合打招呼的歌曲喔! Hello Song for Children (歌曲連結請點我)Hello, hello, hello. x 3Hello. How are you?Hello, hell...

2012-12-17 10:08:38

Pete the Cat 相關歌曲

一連唱兩首經典聖誕老歌,為了避免學生覺得我是過時的LKK老師,接下來想唱今年最新的歌啦,九月份才剛出爐熱騰騰的聖誕插曲。順便也把 Pete the Cat 其他歌曲做個整理一併貼在這裡,日後方便查閱。Pete the Cat Save...

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