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2008-04-09 05:16:23| 人氣95| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

It’s Red Today

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“Life is more than work.” She knew the fact, but did not know how to explore the undiscovered part of her life. For her, it was easier to be a work-alcoholic than to be a love-hunter. No, she had never been such person until she reached the point, where she realized that, “life is short.” So she wanted to make the most of every opportunity handed to her. Her name was Tess. She loved flowers, roses (red in particular), daisies, sunflowers, etc., but neither lilies nor white roses.

Tess wore a shirt with white and red strips on it, and jeans as usual. After reading for a few hours, she decided to take a walk and refreshed herself in the tempting sunshine. Even more so, she wanted to wait outside Lawrence’s office. She did not want to talk to him or follow him, but took a look of him. A crush would go away eventually (by nature, it would go nowhere anyway). That was all she wanted that day, in addition to finish her readings and turn in her comments on time for the next day’s class. Human being is interesting. One mere glance would make her day.

Tess invited Lawrence to a party held by her friend next Saturday night. He did not make any promise for his attendance, but left her some hope. He said that he was not sure if he could make it from the trip to Arizona that day. Unless he would drive, why could not he know if making it or not? Tess did not raise further questions. Sometimes, when things were meant to be, no extra effort was required. If it were meant to not to be, regardless of the amount of efforts, the undesired outcome (by particular human figure) would still be the only plausible result. Tess just wanted to make sure that before giving this chance up, she had tried everything she could. In thinking this way, she came to the conclusion that, “The most pessimistic person is actually the most optimistic one at the same time.”

She waited for about five minutes, the figure of Lawrence finally popped up. For some reason, his figure was easy to recognize for her. As previously, she turned around immediately as she saw him. He might not see her. It did not matter. She saw him. That was what mattered. She was happy. She noticed that he wore a red shirt too, entirely red, and blue or at least dark blue jeans. The way he dressed was one thing she liked about him: simple but descent. That was the way she appreciated, for everything. She was extra happy because they chose the same color for the day.

Not knowing where the future would be, Tess adopted the well known philosophy: living at the present moment. “Listening to your heart. It knows exactly what you want, even though sometimes it is not easy to admit what it is. Trust your instinct because it is the answer.” Being a Christian, she left most of the planning work to God. She prayed and believed that God would guide her every step. She believed that the loudest voice deriving from the beating of her heart would be the answer. She wanted to live out every chance she got. She wanted to give the living faith a fighting chance. That was Tess. Today, she was in partially red. The vivid color reminded her of the vitality of life. Yes, today was happily red for Tess.

Note: the image is available at http://photo.pchome.com.tw/suandru/114762481974.

台長: Tao
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