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2008-11-09 11:42:55


Nov. 8. 2008 勿忘初衷「永遠不要忘記你當初為什麼要出國唸書。」小福如是重複叮嚀與鼓勵。想成為老師是因為在每個求學階段都曾受到某幾位老師開啟,於是我希望成為像我那樣的學生的幫助。出國,是為了追夢─成為大...

2008-10-27 09:55:27

Ordinary Surprise

Oct. 25 2008 It is when you expect nothing but experience something, that something becomes extraordinary. The thing in itself is ordinary, but the meaning assigned in your life book makes it extraor...

2008-10-25 00:40:37

Comfort Zone

10-17-08 It takes great courage to step outside of your comfort zone. Deep inside you know, however, it will be worthy. After moving in for a few months, Anita finally made her own place comfortable...

2008-10-13 08:35:22

The long overdue Saturday

10112008 I am supposed to file IRB Amendment today. After a week long waking up and getting to the campus between 9 and 9:30, I slept in purposedly. I wish for a day having nothing to do with school ...

2008-09-27 02:54:09

from Denial to Chin-Up

9-26-08 Tomorrow is Pat’s 28th birthday. When we were together, I bought the Saturday ticket for Austin City Limit. I didn’t realize that if it weren’t him, I would never do so. I did not buy th...

2008-09-23 09:46:58


9-22-08 有一段時間,胸口有想說的話,還不到喉頭,又嚥回去了;打了幾行字,又全部刪除。就像我的論文,寫了點什麼,又改方向,申請了grant,又被拒絕,念頭與事實的往返之間,青春就不見了,一天又一天,我更接...

2008-09-17 02:46:58

In the afternoon

9-16-08 My TA class is about 15-mins away. To finish the polling data analysis work, I stayed up late (which usually causes slight sleeplessness, and it did) last night and got up early coming to c...

2008-08-22 04:16:52

I Wish You Love

8-21-08 Thanks to Wei’s share of an anecdote of Socrates story. After two weeks, the sadness derived from the breakup rushed in. I thought the best way to get over him was to confront him. Not rea...

2008-08-20 02:48:31

My First Long Bike Ride on My Own

8-19-08 Ben, from whom I borrowed his Bike during the summer, had returned to Austin and needed his bike back for transportation. As crazy as I could go (so far), I decided to to bike it back to th...

2008-08-19 23:41:46

Waking Up with Tears

8/19/2008 將媽,一位日本籍的婦女,她就住在同我們家的巷子裡。她的國語其實說的挺好,我只記得她喜歡我,雖然巷子裡同齡的小孩不止我一個,也許是與母親的交情或是怎麼的,她收了我當乾女兒。那是入小學前的事。...

2008-08-17 11:17:08

Jitterbug Perfume

Jitterbug Perfume by Tom Robbins 29: “I prefer the shit of this world to whatever sweet ambrosias the next might offer.” (T: we as human being tend to cling to what we know over what we don’t) ...

2008-08-17 11:15:53


some words from the film produced by Pixar, "Ratatouille": Remy: they [human] don't just survive, they discover, they create Gusteau (on TV): You must be imaginative, strong hearted. You must try ...

2008-08-17 11:12:55

The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle

The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle (Eng. Version, Vintage International, translated by Jay Rubin) by Haruki Murakami, published by Vintage Books, a division of Random House, Inc., New York. 24: “Is it p...

2008-08-17 11:09:32

聽風的歌 & After Dark

村上春樹 聽風的歌●開往中國的Slow Boat p.24:每個人的個體性真奇妙,是超越一切類別和一般理論的。 27:春假還剩一半,而且最主要的是我們十九歲。 42:我的中國只不過是為我而存在的中國。或者是我本身。那也...

2008-08-14 22:48:08


8-14-08 試著把我認識的派先生寫出來,原來是件不容易的事。小雨捎來梁靜茹的「分手快樂」,她唱著:愛可以不問對錯,至少有喜悅感動…揮別錯的才能和對的相逢;離開舊愛,像坐慢車,看透撤了心就會是晴朗的。我哼...

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