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2010-01-21 13:19:44| 人氣118| 回應1 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Dedicated to a sister, a fruity pet, and a diamond

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I miss my dearest girlfriends from home, I really do.
Lately, the two dearest to my heart have been on my mind a lot.

One whom I regard dearly as "sister",
Whom I wish I can take on a much-needed emotional vacation,
Whom I want to shop and chat and cook and just Be with,
Whom I miss and whom I wish I can be literally there for,
Whom I feel I have not ever left.

Another whom I regard dearly with a fruity pet name,
Whom I miss and felt I was missing to,
Whom I wonder about her passionately dense heart and soul and life,
Whom I wish I can hold closer,
Whom I smile at the irony of the shorter distance between her and my love.

Precious babies kept in time
Precious people of mine
Precious gems of my life.

Like the Diamond that gleams
Sparkling, soulful, spirited.

And my grin, ever so wide.
And my tears, ever so bright.

台長: 新台美的雪莉酒
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全站分類: 不分類 | 個人分類: 心情寫照 |
此分類上一篇:Freaking out


u know, it's our 14th anniversary! :) and it's amazing that we are still so close to each others' heart despite the distances all these years..
2010-01-30 11:13:01
Happy 14th anniversary my dear! *HUG* I can't believe how far we have come... I miss you so much.
2010-02-03 11:30:47
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