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2007-11-20 14:58:10| 人氣65| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

when u touch the real....

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i just wanna scream...but i knw im calm...

im so amazed...that...i can fu nothing...

im calm.... just like a mobile...anywhere.. anyhow...

sometimes..i really wanna knw...wut am i doing now...

who am i?.... liv for wut?....

im lost...fuk # the adult’s world ...

nothing make me high... im fuking tired & bored...

how to describe... wut it is ....

wut it is ... hide inside...?...

when i touch the real... i survied out of the window...

i c everything... i fu nothing ...

i love wut i loved...

the emotion ..... the turth...

wut can i do ? i hate the books...the lessons...

just( fuk off! )

when i touching....

where am i now?.....

where’s the sign.... wut it is ...

wut i t is....

when u touch the real ...

台長: ※MIX-ING※
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