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2010-11-26 11:01:03| 人氣3| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

補習-Harry Potter 7 to be available in Chinese on Oct.28

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補習-Harry Potter 7 to be available in Chinese on Oct.28

Chinanews, Beijing, October, 23 – The Chinese version of the 7th and the last episode of the famous Harry Potter series will be available on Sunday, and the price will be around 66 yuan. The exact Chinese name of the book is still unknown, but definitely not the ones that are used in Hong Kong and Taiwan. Currently, four printing factories and two bookbinderies are busy producing the copies to make sure that there will be one million copies available in the market on Sunday. Both the printing and binding process are under the supervision of the publisher, in case of piracy. Tonight, all the copies will be put into storehouses pending transportation on October 27. 180,000 of such copies will be sold in Beijing. According to the Wangfujing Xinhua Bookstore, more than 2,000 customers have already filed their subscriptions, while the figure in Xidan Xinhua Bookstore is 7,600. All the subscribers will get a special badge, and those who buy the books on Sunday will get a set of Harry Potter exlibris

Tag: 補習

台長: Mini Storage
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