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2010-05-10 18:23:38| 人氣12| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇
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Birthday Sharing

 This year I'm very busy in my office. On Wed evening (May 5), we 8 brothers & sisters went out to distribute pamphlets in Kowloon Bay. Afterward, we went to dinner together. At the end, brothers & sisters took out a box of cakes to celebrate my birthday!! How amazing it is !! Yesterday (May 7) was my birthday. My workload in office was very heavy. But I was very happy that I could have my dinner with a brother. (Actually when I make the appointment with him, I didn't tell him that it was my birthday on May 7 in order to give him a surprise!) We shared many things & encouraged each other in the spiritual path. On Sunday May 9, it was my first time in 2010 to lead worship in songs in Yuen Long church. I really give thanks for the song support team (2 support singers, pianist & PPT giver) because their gracious support & excellent quality. In the end, I really give thanks for our Father God who gives me life and give me brothers & sisters.

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