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2003-07-14 08:09:46| 人氣591| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

【Book Biz】Managing In The Next Society

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This book is the clips of “Management Godfather”--- Peter F. Drucker’s papers. He is a modern philosopher, a prophet, and an elder with wisdom. He was born in 1909. What an early era it was! But his thought is always updating with time; moreover, lead the tide. No one will deny that he has made “Management” a systematic course. In addition, he usually points out the direction of society development(s)/statements and new future of management methods.

In [Managing in the Next Society], Mr. Drucker shared his keen observation about the Internet. Compared with the big change brought by Industrial Revolution, he said the Internet will make a totally bigger change in “working style.” Besides more people working at home or something like “SOHO” (Small Office/ Home Office), the Internet will break the organizations such as traditional companies with bureaucratic levels as well. He compared the birth of the Internet in the 20th century to the invention of railway in the 19th century. After 19th century, railway has greatly reduced the distance among people and it has helped much in human societies developing. Nowadays, the Internet changes the world with more rapid speed, and in some aspect, it has even overthrew some working values. Drucker said “knowledge workers” (such as people who watch this column in detail) will be loyal more to their professional skills instead of their organizations/companies. If supervisors don’t consider subordinates as “partners” (ex: sharing values, goals and expectations with each other), it will be harder to manage them, or to say, it’s more difficult to “do the thing right.” His insights have taught more things in management, leading and moreover, humanity.

I would like to say Peter Drucker is a fabulous storyteller. His articles are totally full of examples and history about human being. He can explain almost everything, from finance services to social problems. No mention about innovation, marketing and general management. He is really an erudite elder who always educate this world with his passion and dream. Some people said his opinion is too ideal to realize, but I think it’s not a matter of being realized, but an on-the-going fact. As he said, “ I am just an observer ( in the world).”

台長: braveheart
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全站分類: 社會萬象(時事、政論、公益、八卦、社會、宗教、超自然)

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