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有一天,森林裡最受尊重的貓頭鷹說:「幸福是世界上最重要的東西,一旦你擁有了它,就會感到快樂滿足!」於是,熊寶寶決定要去尋找幸福。   熊寶寶先遇見了小兔子,就問他:「你幸福嗎?」......(詳全文)
發表時間:2007-12-24 01:47 | 人氣:366 | 回應:3
從真愛卡解讀幸福的方向 The 3 Card Reading uses the principle of synchronicity to select principles that are relevant specifically to you, specifically at this moment. To b......(詳全文)
發表時間:2007-11-29 04:13 | 人氣:1964 | 回應:11

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