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2005-05-31 08:44:17| 人氣28| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

my daily tarot reading

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Love: The Magician

Touchstone: The High Priestess

Career: Strength

You're a bit shy today in matters of the heart, dear snowy. The Magician and the High Priestess are both holding you back rather than encouraging you to be forthright when it comes to love. Although there is no reason to worry about your shyness, it is true to say that this will not be the best day for personal expansion. As far as the professional sphere goes, things take rather longer than normal. The High Priestess is putting her foot on the brake, asking you to take time for reflection before you act. Despite a certain slowness creeping in, the courage that you get from the card of Strength allows you to reach your goals by the time the sun sets. Perseverance is definitely your winning trait today!

台長: 丁叮
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