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2008-05-23 17:44:04| 人氣60| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Eevey things will be nice.

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It will be a hard fight.

More than three thousand people will join this BC test.

I just want to join Publiec Senior High School like 南崁.

It will be hard for me because my PR just between 73~78.

It’s the beundary of 南崁 Senior High School.

I become worry and nervous.

Although teachers tell me that take it easy,I still worry.

And now, My brain is full of her.

When I study by myself,I always think about her.

But every thinks will be nice.

I just do my best to every things.

Besy wish for everyone. =3=

台長: ㎡荷包蛋–*
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