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A few months of pregnancy with Fetal Normal frequent movement is going on

Life is such a magical existence, from a small cell to a small life full of vitality. Pregnant mother during pregnancy is not concerned about the baby's every hour and moment, when 4 months pregnant will feel the baby's movement.

Is the movement of fetal life the most intuitive feeling, movement frequency, speed, strength and so on are very sensitive to mother. What later pregnancy how long can feel the movement? If the fetus frequent movement of what is the reason?

A few months of pregnancy with Fetal Normal frequent movement is going on1

A few months of pregnancy, fetal movement

In early pregnancy, the embryo is still very small, pregnant women are unable to feel fetal movement, only through ultrasound to see subtle fetal activity. The general pregnant women, pregnancy in 5 months or so can feel obvious movement, but the specific time some people may be a little It differs from man to man., as early as 16 or 17 weeks will be able to feel the first movement, some people may be a little late, feel the first movement in 20 weeks, this is normal.

Pregnant for 4 months, began to feel the movement from the parent was fifth months, the fetus in the womb, hand kick, impact uterine wall, this is it. The number of times, the strength of the speed of movement such that the safety of the fetus. The normal apparent movement 1 hours less than 3 - 5 times. 12 hours of apparent movement 30 times - 40 times.

Some of the pregnant woman's body is very sensitive, very early can feel fetal movement, while others need to feel fetal movement later. Generally speaking, with the first pregnant women late to feel fetal movement, but pregnant women do not have to worry, because not feel it on behalf of fetus does not move, probably because the fetus is too small to strength is also weak, modest move, unable to let the human feel. As long as the inspection is normal, the fetus has no problem.

Two, frequent movement is going on

In general, the movement of not less than 3-5 times per hour, but if more than 10 times per hour the movement should be considered for frequent movement. Frequent movement refers to the movement of pregnant women consciously increased, which may be a physiological fetal number increase, it may also be caused by pathological reasons.

A few months of pregnancy with Fetal Normal frequent movement is going on2

(a) are normally frequent movement of the:

When talking to 1.: the study showed that the birth of the baby can hear mom and dad talk, when the exchange and the birth of the baby, your baby will respond with frequent movement.

2. after dinner: after eating, increase blood sugar content in the pregnant mother, your baby is absorbed to adequate nutrition, so it will become more frequently than before.

3. when listening to music: second trimester fetal baby can begin to hear the sound of the outside world, he love soothing soft music in the music to stimulate the wash, your baby will become love, it is a way to convey emotions. Note that the pregnant mother is best not to listen too strong and loud music, lest your baby have an adverse stimulus, resulting in abnormal fetal movement.

4. bath: Mommy in the shower is usually more relaxed, the mood will be passed to your baby, affected by this mood, your baby will be more spiritual, will increase the number of quickened.

5. night before going to bed in the evening: generally the birth of the baby moving up, and this time the pregnant mother can the static under heart to feel the baby's movement, so feel moving too much.

(two) the pathological causes of fetal movement

Pathological fetal movement frequently, refers to the birth of the baby because of some diseases and abnormal factors. For example, when deprived of, your baby will be upset by the increase in the number of fetal movement. When fetal hypoxia continues to increase, it will gradually decline, the movement gradually reduced the number from the frequent need to take timely measures, so as to avoid the movement away and even lead to death of the fetus. Placental abruption, placenta previa, umbilical cord around the neck and so on, may cause fetal hypoxia.

In addition, if pregnant mammy hit will be injured, can stimulate your baby, leading to fetal movement suddenly accelerated, caused by severe fetal movement and even lead to cause miscarriage, preterm delivery.

台長: sjdihr
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