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Oral test (Book I, U6-8)

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Oral test (Book I U6-8)

1.     What are you doing now?

2.     Are you riding a bicycle?

3.     Is your teacher watching TV now?

4.     Are your classmates listening to you now?

5.     Where is your brother?

6.     Where are you from?

7.     What day is it today?

8.     Is it Monday today?

9.     Is it Friday?

10.     What time is it?

11.     What time is the first class?

12.     How is the weather today?

13.     What is the weather like today?

14.     How’s the weather in New York in winter?

15.     What’s the weather like in Taiwan in summer?

16.     What is your favorite season?

17.     Is it rainy today?

18.     How many days are there in a week?

19.     How many seasons are there in a year?

20.     What are the seasons of the year?

21.     What are the days of the week?

22.  Is there a lot of snow in New York in winter?

台長: weiwei
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全站分類: 不分類 | 個人分類: 7 Graders |
此分類下一篇:Grammar: What are you doing?
此分類上一篇:What Is Your English Name?

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