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2007-06-07 20:04:32| 人氣200| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Sad Movies Make Me Cry

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I sang badly today. I apologied for the terrible sound.
However,the song itself is very dramatic.
You should not miss it.
Click and listen to the song.

”Sad Movies Make Me Cry”
Lyrics:John D.Loudermilk

Sad movies always make me cry
Sad movies always make me cry

He said he had to work, so I went to the show alone.
They turned down the lights and turned the projector on.
And just as the news of the world started to begin,
I saw my darling and my best friend walking in.

Although I was sitting right there they didn’t see me.
And so they both sat right down in the front of me.
And when he kissed her lips then I almost died.
And in the middle of the colour cartoon I started to cry.

Oh Sad movies always make me cry
Sad movies always make me cry
Sad movies always make me cry
Sad movies always make me cry

And so I got on up and slowly I walked on home,
And Mama saw the tears and said ”Baby what is wrong”.
And so just to keep from telling her a lie,
I just said ”Sad movies makes me cry”.

Oh Sad movies always make me cry
Sad movies always make me cry
Sad movies always make me cry
Sad movies always make me

台長: weiwei
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