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2007-02-28 14:11:07| 人氣1,131| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Dilettante (Amateur) 藝術愛好者〈業餘者〉 (志華)

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Dilettante (Amateur) (志華)

From a Latin root meaning "to delight in," the Dilettante is a lover of the fine arts who never rises above the level of an amateur, and to whom the phrase "jack of all trades, master of none" applies. Although the word has the negative connotation of a dabbler who seeks only a cursory knowledge or experience, it never completely loses the sense of delighting in the arts. The Amateur, from the Latin root for "love," has many of the same qualities of the Dilettante applied to the realm of sports or applied arts such as cooking and gardening. In many cases it’s better to be an inspired amateur than a grind-it-out professional. Like the survival archetypes, the Dilettante or Amateur can alert you when you are in danger of becoming merely superficial in your pursuits, or losing the love that drew you to your avocation in the first place.

The shadow Dilettante manifests as a pretension to much deeper knowledge than you actually possess.

Films: Catherine Frot in La Dilettante; Carol Channing in Thoroughly Modern Millie; Liza Minnelli in Cabaret; Spring Byington in You Can’t Take It with You; Hermione Gingold in The Music Man; John Savage in The Amateur; Henry Fonda in The Lady Eve (Amateur).
Fiction: Dodsworth by Sinclair Lewis; "The Dilettante" by Edith Wharton.

台長: 理書
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