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2005-02-23 19:52:16| 人氣299| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

we should not pay attention to these opinion.

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When famous people such as actors, athletes and rock stars give their opinion, many people listen. Do you think we should pay attention to these opinions? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

I consider that we should not to pat the attention to these opinions of the famous people because most of them are not the professional elites in that category, and sometimes they just want to attract more attention. Finally, many entertainers like to have a kidding meaningless to show their sense of humor.

First of all, many famous people usually are asked by media to discuss their points of view in public although the event is not their business. In this situation, the stars, athletes, and actors may confer the controversy conversation or bias suggestion who have no the back ground or the professional knowledge, especially in politics issues. Secondly, many entertainers make surprised issues or astonishing action to catch the person’s eyes. Their aim is only to make the consumers spot their works and themselves. Take Jana Jackson for an instance, many people consider that her appearing her breast on the ceremony is a means to product issues. And the Japanese actor Yowusuke Kubozuka had time to time to claim the drag is benefit to human body and mind. As the examples above, we should not to look highly their crazy conversation and behavior. Furthermore, the famous people would like to show their affinity by taking the joke. However, we feel that is not funny and have no way to limit their unsuitable saying, but the only way that we can do is to ignore them.

In summary, the famous people usually have improper speech in the open condition, as the case that I mentioned above, the unprofessional background, the aim to catch person’s attention, and the sense of humor they think they have. Thus, I consider it is unnecessary to listen to their words seriously.

但是 有些話 是不需要太認真的

附帶一提 漥塚康復了 他有些話也可以不用太在意

台長: 小錢
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