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2004-12-30 15:31:59| 人氣699| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

"If you could meet a famous entertainer or athlete....

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"If you could meet a famous entertainer or athlete, who would that be, and why? Use specific reasons and examples to support your choice."

If I could meet a famous entertainer or athlete, it would that be Dr. Henry Lee. In addition to his great performances on the stage, he does an excellent job in his field. Furthermore, he has a similar background to me. Finally, he loves his country in setting up the scholarship for Chinese and not saying “No” when he was asked to prove the controversy case in Taiwan.

I have already heard the flame of Dr. Henry Lee in my teenager. At that time he came to Taiwan for a bloody case in an international expert and it was my first expression to him. From them on, I got to know his accurate and perfect work in many famous events, but expected to everyone, he gave up many chances making a large fortune. However, Dr. Henry Lee always works hard, and his attitude makes a model for many international students and police.

Moreover, Dr. Henry Lee was born in Main Land of China and grew up in Taiwan. He went to abroad in order to learn much professional knowledge of science. We have the similar culture background and lived in the same country so I wonder and respect his successful attitude for everything.

Last of all, he is a patriot in my eye because he set up several funds to help student for abroad study. When it speaks to Taiwan, he never refuses to his homeland. For instance, this Taiwan Present Elevation made sociality a huge debate while the Present candidate being shoot. Everyone afraid of this difficult case, but Dr. Henry Lee does not. Although he was very busy, he came to Taiwan for the case without any excuse.

In a short, Dr. Henry Lee is not only a smart actor of the television programs but also a perfect person in criminal science field. Though he studied in U.S for a long time, he never forgot the good of the traditional thought of China that makes him an idol in my mind.

台長: 小錢
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