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2005-02-16 12:31:26| 人氣528| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

a boy’s education is much more important than a girl''s ?

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In our society, there are still some people who think that s boy’s education is much more important than a girl’s, but others argue that a girl’s education is equally important. Tell which opinion you agree with and why.

I absolutely agree that a girl’s education is equally important with a boy’s because their ability is the same in common condition but their generality is not the key affects their educational opportunities. Furthermore, human potential is unlimited, and it is unfair to ignore the educational rights of girls.

There are so many excellent female elites in every field and it also mean that girls have the quite ability to arrive their accomplishments. Take Helen Keller for example, she almost lost any ability accept outside information in her childhood. It thanks to her parents and her teacher never give up her and supply her learning chance as possible as they could. Were they not to do, a great educator would never appear in human history.

However, although male are in majority number in politics, science, or some professional area and higher level in job, I afraid it take result from the unfair viewpoint that a girl’s education right is less important than a boy’s. For instance, on the Chinese traditional view, they think that a girl have no talent also means good generality. Thus, it is hard to research the information about female have high achievement in politics or professional field in Chinese history. Unfortunately, Chinese women often played an unimportant role in the past era in result form the unfair stand, especially education.

In conclusion, I extremely agree that a girl’s education is equally important with a boy’s because of the reasons that I mentioned above, the same ability between boys and girls, the unlimited potential and the fair right for girls to accept education.

台長: 小錢
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