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2007-02-13 22:08:45

So much for Harvard Law graduate

You graduated from Harvard Law, you have been the minister of justice, but the best argument you can come up with is that because the other 6,500 government officials do it, that makes it ok?

2007-02-12 22:56:58

She’s a girl, a woman, now a mother. She’s my best friend.

She May be the face I can’t forget The trace of pleasure or regret May be my treasure or the price I have to pay She May be the song that summer sings May be the chill that autumn brings ...

2007-02-12 22:24:58

Picking up where we left off

When my ex and I split up, I lost my interest in music. Because it was like, the music of life just stopped playing for me. It was that devastating. (Yes, am a drama queen.) But now, it’s kind of...

2005-07-15 04:26:49


6/3(五)倫敦(夜宿倫敦) Tower of London(Tower hill station)£11.5+ >St. Paul\'s Cathedral£8(St. Paul\'s)> >Kensington Palace£11(Queen\'s Way)>City View Hotel (Bethnal Green) 6/4(六)倫敦>劍橋(夜宿...

2005-07-12 23:40:05

The Duke of Edinburgh does not live in Edunburgh

我對劍橋算有點小熟又不會太熟......總之起碼主要景點都找得到....所以我就帶著Emily 跟Rosemary四處晃晃....運氣很好King's College剛好畢業典禮, 所以我們就在外面隨著其他的遊客圍觀, 學院前的廣場搭了一個marque...

2005-07-12 23:12:33

French Market In Town

又到了一年一次的French Market, 賣的東西各式各樣, cheese 啦 sausage啦 Ham啦.... 我買了半公斤ˇ的櫻桃.....一磅多而已.....是我吃過最甜的櫻桃 我試吃了各式各樣的Ham.....對外國食物非常adventurous的我買了一...

2005-07-08 23:51:00

July 7th 2005-London Under Attack

Londoners woke yesterday still basking in the warm glow of their Olympic triumph. Then came the news they had dreaded - and half expected - since September 2001. James Meek walks through the streets o...

2005-05-27 04:35:46

Tips For Backpackers-to-be in UK(編輯中)

倫敦二區台灣人開的民宿, 經常客滿, 要訂請早 http://www.lupton.com.tw/ 超讚的訂旅館網站, 可以訂到超便宜的旅館 http://www.travelstay.com/ Jurys Inn Heathrow 一個Double一晚上59磅 三星級的喔 而且離...

2005-05-23 22:27:25


保濕: CLINIQUE橘色的保溼水磁場(台灣較便宜,機場買最便宜, 75mlNTD1500長榮卡再打九折) NYR的flower water(英國便宜) SISLEY的保濕面膜~~藍色包裝的,適合乾性膚質 L'OCCITANE的 MASQUE HRDRATANT MOISTURIZING ...

2005-05-11 23:25:24


I've always admired that some of the European households have got all sorts of colourful kitchenware. I got a blue-painted ceramic pot for free from an antique shop when I went out for a walk.........

2005-05-11 19:52:07


有人去超市買過香料植物來種嗎? 我買了Basil(九層塔)跟coriander(香菜)來種, 想說單買就要五十幾p, 不如花一磅買一整顆, 隨時都有新鮮的....basil還ok.......但是我的coriander快掛了........嗚...怎麼這樣........我...

2005-05-11 19:31:38


總覺得英國人的獨特幽默感每每令我笑到肚子痛.... 我室友跟我說的: 他在pub裡遇到一個drunken American, 問他說: Do you know why we play the best basketball in the world? 我室友用他優雅的英國腔, 揚起眉慢條...

2005-05-10 06:36:50

My first antique banknote-溜班時逛古董店的意外收穫

09/05/2005 早上整理問卷整理到腰酸臂痛,決定出去逛逛,漫步到對街的Antique shop,走啊走的看到攤在桌上的一個Album,裡頭都是古董紙鈔,不經意一瞥卻看見這張民國二十五年的中央銀行發行的一元紙鈔,覺得真的很s...

2005-05-09 18:37:45


日用品: 1.大同電鍋 2.塑膠拖鞋(非夾腳式, 夾腳的這裡粉多, 不便宜就是, 來英國到現在我只看過布做的) 3.如果有要用到燒錄器的話,最好從台灣帶空白片,我覺得台灣的選擇多又便宜 4.耳機和麥克風,上Skype時可用...

2005-05-07 00:25:50

London Burberry沒啥好逛的真的.......

這就是著名的London Burberry 因為晴嫣的同學慕名要逛Burberry的outlet, 畢竟來到英國不買幾件Burberry的東西好像很可惜, 所以們一行人千里迢迢的坐Tube到鳥不拉屎的Hackey Central, 工廠有點不好找, 畢竟不是啥...

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