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2006-09-01 11:53:21



2006-08-18 12:33:35

A’part for lease 2

望江樓,望江流,望江樓上望江流,江流千古,江樓千古。 印月井,印月影,印月井中印月影,月影萬年,月井萬年。 這是四川成都望江樓的一副名聯。上聯寫成都名勝古蹟「望江樓」,據說本是清朝留下的「絕對」,由於...

2005-11-23 14:00:31

Cafe, Tea or Music ?

To guide u a very nice site, it is full of 琴韻書聲......... http://home.kimo.com.tw/pda4218/book.html http://jeffreyhsu.org http://sarasa.coron.jp/ (japan novel web) 蓮花 (清...

2005-11-10 16:42:27

A’part for lease!


2005-10-06 11:41:11

Peach Story

this is park screen from my private room, my small room but very quiet and peaceful. so many kinds of fruit tree hide inside the front park, and so sweet in spring. espically lovely peach tree, see th...

2005-09-29 14:12:39


I went to kyoto last year, and went to kinkakuji, this is my favorite temple in japan. to share my nice memory to u.i want to go there in near future, to see any change in that temple, or invite u to ...

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