24h購物| | PChome| 登入
2011-03-09 09:38:45| 人氣17| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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We have twenty- four hours of communication.


When I am buying a paper and a snack at 7-11 or if I sit down to

take a rest at my favorite coffee shop.

The cellular telephone has totally changed our relationship.

I can always talk to you.


The other day you reached me on the beach.

I told you about the smell of the ocean air and the power

of the waves crashing against the shore.

We shared a wonderful experience through this invention of convenience.


But my dear the cellular telephone is only convenient

when you want to be reached, if there is a problem between us

it quickly becomes an invention of inconvenience and annoyance.


The other day I tried to call you at three different times.

On the first occasion you said you were in a thick walled building

that blocked the signal.

The second call you said you had a low battery

and forgot to charge it, and finally you said

you didn’t have a chance to pay the bill.


My dear, the cellular telephone is only as good as our relationship.


台長: 明心見性
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全站分類: 心情日記(隨筆、日記、心情手札)

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