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2005-07-11 23:14:39| 人氣5| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

7月9 ........冇訓............

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Today nearly mo sleep a………. becoz I wait my sister to come back……… when it is nearly 4.00 in the morning…….. my mother phone me that she go jor her baby ge office do work……. then I wanna sleep lu…….

But when I sleep jor half and hour……… she come back jor……. Then I go to eat sth with her and her baby………. Then come hm and pack things and also of cos get the gifts from her la…………..haha

Then I just take a rest at 8.00………. but not too good……….. then wake jor and stay at hm………….

Afternoon my sister come jor my hm and ask me teach her piano………..teach jor a while and I go out lu………..i go to piano company ………. Today I am the helper a……….. the kids hv their drawing lesson there…….. some very cute.,but some./……..naughty……………

When 6.00…………… I leave with roxi………… he go hm with me………….. on the way I find my sister also……… then together go hm…………. Today we go out eat dinner……….so ask roxi together………….

After that back hm…………………but no mood lu………… the whole night dou hai gum………… really sour …………. Becoz of this……… make dou many ppl dou worry………. Sori………..

台長: 琴獸
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全站分類: 心情日記(隨筆、日記、心情手札)

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