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2005-07-08 23:07:39| 人氣5| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

7月7........... boring ><

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Wake up at 10.30……… then play ps……… then eat jor little bit McDonald’s…….. and go out接牛s王………………… then take him hm……..eat the remaining McDonald’s……….

then I go out to roxi’s hm…….becoz I wanna hv lunch with him………… I stay in his hm for a while sin go out ge…………

after we go out……….we go to da gay………… after that………..we go to hv lunch lu……….but I am very thirsty……..so I drink jor many things a………………. then he need to teach piano………then I go hm sin……….

Back dou hm………….i bath and practice piano……….but the sound too loud la……….. wake jor牛s王 up tim………..kaka……….then I need to play ps with him…………….

After that…….. we go out hv tea with mama……….. 牛s王 mama come also………..i eat jor little salad then I need to go…….becoz hv lesson a………….. but this naughty guy always play but not practice ………..really make me angry a………

When I ready to go………. I c dou d ng wanna c ge ppl……… she always say sth make me more hate her…………

Then I go hm lu……… then practice piano ……… eat dinner and watch tv………..

台長: 琴獸
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全站分類: 心情日記(隨筆、日記、心情手札)

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