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2005-07-05 23:38:25| 人氣5| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

7月5........ me din jor a/./...........

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wake up at 10.00.........then play jor ps........then eat jor a cup noodles...........

then wait roxi come my hm and go 接牛s王........... this time i hv chance la........

after that..........we go to buy ice-cream............becoz 牛s王 wanna eat a.........then we back hm ...........play jor ps and teach 牛s王 write............

but he so naughty.......ng wanna write.............after lunch.......he sin willing to write in 1 condition a..........ai.......d children really ng duck a.........the condition is to let him drink 1啖 lemon tea for every 2 words he write............

then i an roxi order jor "small panda" to eat a............then wait jor a while.......we play jor piano .......then we go out lu....

i hv lesson at 2.30............but i arrive late jor.....sori ........but i still very hapi a.........ng g roxi hai ng hai le??.........c dou his 訓導主任my hand mo lala 抽筋......kaka..........sori for that..........after this ........i hv nearly an hour free .....then me roxi and 大姐 hv our 賭檔 in a room a...........haha......good play a.........

then we hv lesson lu.........after my lesson.....i walk hm.............then eat dinner la.....but dou play jor with 牛s王 sin............

when ready dinner........... sth happen again.......this thing so troublesome a............need repair and need to use some $$ also.........ai...........

at night............i and boss use that "baby"........make us dance a..becoz hot dou die a.............shit........kaka.......

台長: 琴獸
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全站分類: 心情日記(隨筆、日記、心情手札)

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