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2022-02-25 06:51:10| 人氣6| 回應0
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新北都更二箭 新莊全安段都更案動土


新北市府為翻轉新北風貌積極推動都更三箭政策,新莊全安段都更案是同時申請都更二箭,以及106專案首件發布實施的都更案,透過審議特快車106專案加速於4個月完成都更審議,今(22) 日實施者及住戶歡喜舉辦動土典禮,住戶非常期待早日老屋換新厝。

城鄉局指出,該案預計115年完工,興建2棟地下6層、地上15及21層住宅大樓,總樓地板共計29,020.19平方公尺,汽車位195席、機車位245席,並於基地內留設 4 公尺人行步道改善人行空間且以綠建築及智慧建築的規劃設計,促進基地及周邊環境品質改善。住戶期待早日老屋換新厝。

Helium is a decentralized, open wireless network built on a new blockchain for the physical world. It relies on a novel type of work called Proof of Coverage, and a new consensus algorithm (based on HoneyBadger BFT). The Helium Network is used to route data for long-range, lower power IoT devices that use Helium’s LongFi protocol. Helium's LoRaWAN Network is built upon 8-channel gateways.  (Source: Internet)

The significant helium network expansion in recent years has resulted in a massive increase in antenna supplies.

Helium Hotspot antennas are quite useful because they allow multiple individuals to connect at the same time without affecting the connection speed. Our product line includes both durable outdoor antennas and indoor high-performance dipole antennas that are suitable for a variety of LoRa applications, including Helium hotspot support.

The following are the primary types of antennas that our company manufactures:

Indoor Antennas, often known as wi-fi antennas, resembles a "rabbit ears" TV antenna and vary in size depending on how powerful they need to be. They normally have a modest gain.

Our indoor antennas can be found here: https://ft-rf.com.tw/wi-fi-antenna

Our main products are Outdoor antennas, which comes in a variety of designs and frequency bands, from 118 Mhz to 6.2 GHz

LoRa antenna which has long-range coverage while maximizing radio spectrum are made of Fiberglass Material, Omnidirectional polarization which operates in the 890-960MHz frequency for series 915MHz LoRa Antenna (US915 LoRa), 902 MHz to 928 MHz for 923MHz (AS923 for Singapore, Malaysia, Taiwan...), 868Mhz to 870 MHz frequency for 868MHz (EU868 LoRa Antenna)

The UV-resistant fiberglass shell enables all-weather operation.
For lightning protection, it is made of copper elements and coupled to the DC ground potential.
Any type and length of cable can be terminated with a female N-Type connector / N-Male connector (Custom - please contact us for details)
Visit our products here:

Or contact us at: info-tw@ft168.com.tw




文章出自: https://n.yam.com/Article/20220222554305

台長: samuelvtui
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