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Military Vehicle Antenna (Vehicular antennas)




新光三越今(21)日召開董事會,對外表示2022年業績達到830億元新高,另也宣布桃園大有店將於明年2月熄燈。Antennas for Military vehicles or Vehicular antennas for heavy-duty use, such as in the forest or in remote locations on armored vehicles, and low-profile antennas for civil vehicles. Communication and EW applications are examples of applications.
Wideband mobile VHF antennas with frequency ranges of 30 to 88 MHz or 30 to 108 MHz are designed primarily for use in heavy-duty mobile applications.
Typically, the antenna is made up of three major parts: the antenna base, the lower part, and the upper part. Some antennas have two sections, while others have three. The long-lasting antenna base with GPS (optional).
The stainless steel spring absorbs shocks and vibrations while also protecting the antenna from collisions.
Both radiating pieces are comprised of composite materials, which allow for exceptional strength and roughness even in the harshest environments. 桃園大有店於1998年開業,有24年歷史,經常是當地人周末逛街聚餐好地方,針對桃園大有店即將熄燈,新光三越表示:「主因是對應未來佈局的策略考量。」

新光三越表示,2022年是世界經濟、疫情起伏變化不斷的一年,新光三越不畏疫情積極布局解封商機,今年改裝多達41項,包含11個全樓層及30個區域改裝,共調整及導入640個櫃位,為新光三越歷年最大、相當於開啟一家全新百貨的規模;此外,更9箭齊發,佈局最強數位功能,建構線上線下舒適購物!除了四大數位渠道持續優化,更新創五大數位服務,包括「數位會員、智能客服、齊享購、名人選物店、美食碼上點」;新光三越今年業績更在第三季開始強力復甦, 在業績及集客上甚至超越2019年疫情前表現,並提前在12月中旬達成今年度830億的目標! 


此外,台北東區的「Diamond Towers」,受疫情波及全球供應鏈、原物料和硬體設備等因素影響進度,為了能堅持品質,更美好與人們相見,將定於明年漂亮登場。 新光三越表示,未來在台灣市場仍將持續展店、積極佈局。

以下文章來自: https://www.setn.com/News.aspx?NewsID=1227322Fei Teng Wireless Technology Co. Ltd

台長: rosswj4
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