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2009-04-05 11:50:32| 人氣66| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

㌔ Lin Chen Yaoミ

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Cannot go out, how to walk into the present, will cross the future?
Your each few words I care very much
Actually without enough time from the beginning likes you
Likes only then knowing the pain
Once ambiguous already was the past
Perhaps I am only a substitute
Once very much liked loving you very much
want to see you every day
I Does not need to pledge that not to need the pledge
Perhaps The pain to most painful in was not painful
How did the heart break to pieces has recovered
The wound has injuried, said that sorry also has anything to use
Cares about you also only to be able to feel relieved the bottom
Was How You Lets Me Forget To Smile ? 
oh ,  what I wouldn't give !!
To have you lying by my side ..
Only needs that 剎 that which tight supports, lets the feeling until the terminus
Embrace tightly's that day mistake will also be forgiven
Tells me to put the sentiment to be worth?


台長: 君君-
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全站分類: 心情日記(隨筆、日記、心情手札) | 個人分類: ☺我們之間,男女話題 ™ |
此分類下一篇:㌔ 親愛玩伴的你們ミ
此分類上一篇:㌔ Started the conclusionミ

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