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2005-04-07 01:36:47| 人氣27| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Being an adult

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Scare of what life throws at me. I was scare about everything. Was it going to help me? I found out that if I am not scare, I accomplish a lot more. When I was young, many people cared when I was scared. When they saw me in that state, they encouraged me. That act actually encouraged my negative behaviors. When I am an adult, no one care. Everyone have enough to worry about themselves, who cares about you? If that no one really care, why should I care if someone look down on me because of what I do? Absolutely not.

Being an adult is like... do your best, don't care if other people like or dislike you. But if you are making someone hate you, that means you have abused other's right to do what they want and/or not taking responsibility of what you did.

台長: reflect
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全站分類: 圖文創作(詩詞、散文、小說、懷舊、插畫)

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