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2016-01-04 09:11:49| 人氣49| 回應0 | 上一篇

好書推薦 Marathon in Hong Kong- Challenges and Health

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Marathon in Hong Kong- Challenges and Health

前兩天在誠品書局看到這本 Marathon in Hong Kong- Challenges and Health,翻一翻目錄,覺得很心動!

但是我想Marathon in Hong Kong- Challenges and Health 在博客來網路書店上買應該會比較便宜柏克萊網路書店

也可以順便參考其他 Marathon in Hong Kong- Challenges and Health 的讀者心得分享,以及推薦 Marathon in Hong Kong- Challenges and Health 文章佳句!

Marathon in Hong Kong- Challenges and Health 這本書真的太讚了,你一定要買回來看!!(讚啦......)




Marathon in Hong Kong- Challenges and Health 是我在博客來網路書店買的,商品網址如下:

書本網址: Marathon in Hong Kong- Challenges and Health


The essays in this collection cover topics relating to the history of marathon running in Hong Kong and Asia, what role gender difference plays in marathon sport performance, and the experience of organizing the race in Hong Kong. Concluding sections offer useful advice to runners on the proper way to prevent and treat injuries and the best ways to prepare for long-distance running. Contributors are chosen from a range of universities and are leading scholars, practictioners, and experts on sport.



Ben FONG is a Clinical Associate Professor (Honorary) in Family Medicine, The Chinese University of Hong Kong.

Jonathan Heung

Jonathan Heung On WAI is a senior officer of the Hong Kong Auxiliary Medical Service.

Marathon in Hong Kong- Challenges and Health


台長: 陳美玲
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全站分類: 星座命理(星座、命理、心理測驗)

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