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2004-05-24 14:46:11| 人氣49| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

念故鄉.. 特洛依的子民,Hylas' song: Vallon Sonore

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Ah, I dream of my native valley
I used to walk there, singing...
Will I ever sing again under those great trees?
Oh, Poor Hylas...

(* repeat)
Let me sail home, gently rocking...
On the ocean's mighty breast.
Oh, Powerful Sea...
The child of Dindyma.

I dream of my native trees.
They shielded me from the heat of the day.
Will I ever inhale their sweet perfume again?

(* repeat)
Let me sail home, gently rocking...

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全站分類: 電影賞析(電影情報、觀後感、影評)

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