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2007-09-05 21:11:14| 人氣318| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

she’s always on my mind-song

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she’s always on my mind
from the time i wake up,
till i close my eyes
she’s everywhere i go
she’s all i know
and though she’s so far away,
it just keeps getting stronger everyday
and even now she’s gone
i’m still holding on
so tell me, where do i start
’coz it’s breakin’ my heart
don’t wanna let her go
maybe my love will come back someday
only heaven knows
and maybe our hearts will find a way
but only heaven knows
and all i can do is hope pray
’coz heaven knows .
my friends keep telling me
that if you really love her,
you’ve gotta set her free
and if she returns in time
i’ll know she’s mine
but tell me, where do i start
why i live in despair
’coz wide awake or dreamin’,
i know she’s never there
and all the time i act so brave,
i’m shakin’ inside
why does it hurt me so?
heaven knows
heaven knows

台長: rainyuti
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