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2006-05-28 23:43:07| 人氣113| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

原點跟 someone

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作詞:杜鑫 作曲:陳文華 演唱:蔡健雅&孫燕姿

擁抱的時候 心情有點痛 也許提早感受到寂寞
離開的時候 只聽見沉默 除了沉默我還能怎麼做選擇
別對我抱歉 別總覺得對我虧欠
  現在他在妳的身邊 就對他好一點

既然遇見了永遠 就不要說再見

總有那一天 相遇的瞬間
確定那些冷漠的從前 已走遠
別對我抱歉 別總覺得對我虧欠
現在誰在妳的身邊 就對誰好一點

Repeat *

我應該 就走開 就算感情還在
我應該 就放開 對他不再依賴

我寧願選擇離別 沒有一句怨言
我才發現彼此都了解 默契是最寶貴的語言




Lyrics:孫燕姿 Music:孫燕姿

My hair was long & shining You said you can’t believe How could
I walk out that dool Or walk along the streets You told me I should
”you know, do some bing bang curly wurly afro thing” I took your
word & did looked in my mirror”Who’s that freak?” Why does the
world deceive Why do I make believe Took my heel & made Achilles
out of me still Iwould wanna be Someone who’d answer to me Someone
who see like a child Give like a saint Feel like an angel
Never mind the broken wings and Speak like a picture Cry like th
rain Shine like the star As long as the fire remains The vase beside
my bed It’s empty almost dead ”It’s for all the flowers I’m gonna
My hair was long & shining You said you can’t believe
How could
I walk out that door Or walk along the streets You
told me I should
”you know, do some bing bang curly wurly afro thing” I
took your
word & did Looked in my mirror ”Who’s that freak?”
Why dose the
world deceive Why do I make believe Took my heel &
made Achilles
out of me Still I would wanna be Someone who’d answer
to me
Someone who see like a child Give like a saint Feel
like an angel
Never mind the broken wings and Speak like a picture
Cry like the
rain Shine like the star As long as the fire remains
The vase beside
my bed It’s empty almost dead ”It’s for all the
flowers I’m gonna
give you” he said And now it’s collecting dust

喜歡這首歌 送給愛講屁話的人

結論是 孫燕姿100分 歌聽不膩的


台長: ☞豬油飯☞
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全站分類: 心情日記(隨筆、日記、心情手札)

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