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2007-06-05 00:45:00| 人氣67| 回應0 | 下一篇


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某天晚上 心血來潮


竟然找到二十年前 我超愛的一首MV--->線上觀賞

那時後的我 哪懂什麼音樂阿

只記得每次看完MV就覺得這痞子 實在很屌




竟讓我連結到李歐卡霍(Leos Carax)



Modern Love
- Album: Let's Dance
- Lyrics and music by David Bowie

I don't want to go out
I wont stay in
Get things done

I catch a paper boy
But things don't really change
I'm standing in the wind
But I never wave bye-bye

But I try, I try

There's no sign of life
It's just the power to charm
I'm lying in the rain
But I never wave bye-bye

But I try, I try

Never gonna fall for
Modern love - walks beside me
Modern love - walks on by
Modern love - gets me to the church on time
Church on time - terrifies me
Church on time - makes me party
Church on time - puts my trust in god and man
God and man - no confessions
God and man - no religion
God and man - don't believe in modern love

It's not really work
It's just the power to charm
I'm still standing in the wind
But I never wave bye bye

But I try, I try

Never gonna fall for
Modern love - walks beside me
Modern love - walks on by
Modern love - gets me to the church on time
Church on time - terrifies me
Church on time - makes me party
Church on time - puts my trust in god and man
God and man - no confessions
God and man - no religion
God and man - don't believe in modern love
Modern love - walks beside me
Modern love - walks on by
Modern love - gets me to the church on time
Church on time - terrifies me
Church on time - makes me party
Church on time - puts my trust in god and man
God and man - no confessions
God and man - no religion
God and man - I don't believe in modern love

Modern love, Modern love, Modern love, Modern love, Modern love, Modern love

Modern love, Modern love, Modern love, Modern love, Modern love, Modern love

Modern love - Modern love, walks beside me
Modern love - Modern love, walks on by
Modern love - Modern love, walks beside me
Modern love - Modern love, walks on by

Never gonna fall for
Never gonna fall for

台長: psmith


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