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2006-04-13 23:37:20| 人氣127| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

「Driving Lessons」美國 Tribeca 電影節 首演

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「Driving Lessons」將於 2006 年 4月 25日 ~ 5月 7日 在 曼哈頓 舉行的美國 "Tribeca 電影節" 中,進行在美國的首次上映。這裡 有報導參展之超過60部佳片的簡介。

「活米村 Rupert Grint」截錄「Driving Lessons」的部份,如下:

"Driving Lessons," directed and written by Jeremy Brock (U.K.) - North American Premiere.
Ben (Rupert Grint) is a shy teenager living in London and trying to escape from the clutches of his religious mother (Laura Linney). He finally gets his chance when he meets a retired actress (Julie Walters) who whisks him off to Edinburgh , where he learns to drive, dance, and pick up girls. Brock's loosely autobiographical coming-of-age tale is a heartwarming treat.

From / RGN / 活米村 Rupert Grint

轉載請註明 / 活米村 Rupert Grint http://rupertgrint.idv.st

台長: Princess
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