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2006-02-12 22:45:26| 人氣89| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

How are you, siu hong zi?

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Siu Hong Zi has disappeared for quite a long while - so long that it seems to be a bit worrying. Went to her blog to check her out - oh well, still alive, hurray! (She seems to have a preference for English these days, so I’m accommodating.)

Co-incidentally, we are both in a mood of hiding ourselves and shuting the world off recently. That explains why we haven’t been in touch - friends drift away like this, don’t they? If neither one make an effort to keep in touch they just drift away. But I’m sure Siu Hong Zi won’t drift away - you will be alright after a bit of self-isolation, won’t you?

When you have had enough of being alone - give me a ring. I miss having meals with you.

Take care. Don’t listen too much to Enya, it sounds too ’unreal’.

P.S. Oh, how much it’s quicker typing English!

台長: 阿寶格格
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