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2010-04-24 09:10:31| 人氣46| 回應0 | 上一篇

It's raining outside

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It rained, fresh and cool
you spoke to me again
for the first time in a while
quite a while..
You said Hi
and that I looked happy
in a sarcastic way, I think.
I told you I was
I said that although I don't look it, I'm very happy inside.
We talked about the badminton championships
and you told me that you were sure I'd do great.

I smiled.

I still love you, not quite the same as I did before
But I still love you
We haven't spoken in months, and I've told myself many many times that I don't anymore
regardless to what I say, what I do
I can't stop looking at you.
Regardless to what you said, what you did
You still make me smile.
Whatever happened, it actually doesn't matter to me.
I love you
I love you
I love you.
and I just want to say, for once more, something I've been trying to forget for the last while.
Dopey. You are the brightest star in my eye, the sweetest song in my heart.

台長: Phoenix
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