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2023-12-28 08:50:45


圖1. 最近的研究已經揭露,尼安德塔人的遺傳結構,與一些現代人類是早起者傾向之間的一種關聯性。該項研究追溯到現代人類,與在歐亞大陸之尼安德塔人的混血。暗示,來自尼安德塔人的遺傳變異體曾經影響,其現代人類後...

2023-12-25 20:05:29


Circulating tumor DNA predicts recurrence and splits disease into two subgroups in Stanford Medicine-led study of Hodgkin lymphoma. New drug targets or changes in treatments may reduce toxicity. 在美...

2023-12-23 16:00:44


A newly discovered species of sea spider was pulled up from more than 1,800 feet below the surface of Antarctica's Ross Sea. 一種新近發現的海蜘蛛,是從南極洲羅斯海水面下1,800多英尺處,被打撈上來。 ...

2023-12-22 08:42:55


1. 圖1. 因2019冠狀病毒症(COVID-19:Coronavirus Disease-19)或流感住院的病患具有,在感染後18個月內,增加死亡、再入院及多個器官出現問題的風險。 Patients hospitalized with COVID-19 or flu have an increas...

2023-12-20 21:16:23


The complete, day 14 synthetic models may open new avenues of research into infertility, drug testing and growth of tissues for transplant – as well as help scientists peer into the dramatic fir...

2023-12-17 16:31:53


The European Commission launched a proposal in July 2023 to deregulate a large number of plants manufactured using new genetic techniques. 於2023年7月,歐盟委員會發起了一項,解除對使用新遺傳技術,來生...

2023-12-14 20:08:42


圖1. 於超導領域的突破性研究透露了,以高臨界溫度銅為基礎的超導體新洞察力。諸多共同研究的努力揭露了,此些超導體的奇怪金屬反應,且確認了一處量子臨界點。廣泛的X-射線實驗導致了,該擁有關於未來技術及可持續解...

2023-12-12 16:38:20


A new study led by Stanford Medicine scientists demonstrates a simple way of studying organ aging by analyzing distinct proteins, or sets of them, in blood, enabling the prediction of individuals&rsqu...

2023-12-09 16:57:46


Planets like our Earth could form even in the harshest known star-forming environments, drenched by hard UV light from massive stars. That is a main result of analyses of new observations of such an e...

2023-12-07 19:57:42


圖1. 這些圖像顯示,相較之下,Ct大大增加擬南芥(阿拉伯芥)根部成長。有害之Ct3顯著抑制成長的驚人效果。 These images show the startling effect of harmful Ct3 significantly limiting root growth, compared w...

2023-12-04 19:57:41


圖1. 金黃色葡萄球菌的光學顯微照片 Light micrograph of Staphylococcus aureus There’s no organism on earth that lives free of threat—including bacteria. Predatory viruses known as phages...

2023-12-02 19:49:45


圖1. 該光學裝置,被用來產生共振激發樣品的低頻雷射脈衝。 The optical setup used to generate the low frequency laser pulses that resonantly excited the sample. An organic material in a metastable ph...

2023-12-01 10:21:42


圖1.在求偶期間,雄性果蠅(藍色)尾隨雌性果蠅(紅色)。有色線條使用SLEAP(Social LEAP Estimates Animal Poses:社交的LEAP判斷動物姿態,是一種深度學習軟體框架。用於從影片中,進行通用的多動物肢體追蹤)追蹤每個肢...

2023-11-27 19:21:25


In patients with severe artery blockage in the lower leg, an artery-supporting device called a resorbable scaffold is superior to angioplasty, according to the results of a large international clinica...

2023-11-25 19:28:59


Far from any galaxy, icy grains of dust in deep space may be able to form organic molecules, a new preprint study finds. 一項新的預印本研究發現,於深太空中,遠出自任何星系的冰冷塵埃顆粒,或許能形成有...

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