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Business Online Personal Portfolio

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The followings are the collection of my work that exhibits my efforts, progress, and achievements in business writing.

I. Business Writing Assignment

A. Letter Format – Block, Semi-block, Simplified letter

B. Letter of inquiry

1. Write to an oversea university for graduate program

2. Inquiry about products

        C. Letter of response – Product reply

D. Sales Letter

E. Promotion Letter – NET

F. Offer Letter

G. Counter Offer Letter

H. Negotiation Offer Letter

II. Company Project: (A reflection report on my future career goal)

A. My dream, the role model and their working/learning philosophy

B. Graduates Interview:

 1. Their current job position, job description, pays

2. Things they learned from the school that helps what they are now

3. Things they WISH they could have learned from the school

4. Fantasy vs. Reality

C. My plans to make my dream come true

台長: Peggy Chen ^^
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全站分類: 教育學習(進修、留學、學術研究、教育概況)

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