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2008-06-21 02:10:40| 人氣41| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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I can’t believe I could be the one
To be with you under the morning sun
See the moon and the nightingale
Sing along with us Oh baby baby
You’re the only one
Fills my fantasy room
Never gonna stop
All that fantasy
I’ll live my live
I’ll live my live for you

Thank you for loving my baby
You’ll always be the one who drives me crazy
I think this is a gift from god to have you here
Thank you for loving me baby
I’ll treasure all your love and all the thing we share
And I wanna tell you
How much I love you

I can’t believe I could be the one
To be with you under the morning sun
See the moon and the nightingale
Sing along with us Oh baby baby
You’re the only one
Fills my fantasy room
Never gonna stop
All that fantasy
I’ll live my live
I’ll live my live for you

Thank you for loving my baby
You’ll always be the one who drives me crazy
I think this is a gift from god to have you here
Thank you for loving me baby
I’ll treasure all your love and all the thing we share
And I wanna tell you
How much I love you

Thank you for loving my baby
You’ll always be the one who drives me crazy
I think this is a gift from god to have you here
Thank you for loving me baby
I’ll treasure all your love and all the thing we share
And I wanna tell you
How much I love you

台長: N9NE
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