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Electric bill seems high... what am I missing

Problem: Recently became a homeowner and we are moving at the end of the month. I received our first electric bill today and I'm surprised... Since we're not living there yet.

Is it normal for electricity usage to be this high for a refrigerator being the only thing running during this time?

42 kWh from March 7 to March 21

Edit: thanks everyone for the responses. Super helpful!


There are a few common reasons why your electric bill is higher than you expect it to be. One obvious reason could be that you have forgotten to reset or replace your clock when daylight savings time changed, which can add an extra hour or two onto your electricity usage on a monthly basis. Another could be faulty equipment in your home—the heating and cooling system might need repair or replacement. And one thing you may have overlooked is standby power use, which refers to any items that continue drawing power even when they're turned off.

So, Solution: How To Build A Generator

Did you know that in 1900, a standard light bulb would use between 5 and 20 watts? Did you know that today a standard light bulb uses 60-100 watts? Did you know that an incandescent light bulb is converting only 10% of its energy into light while creating 90% waste heat? Did you know that electricity companies have to build more and more power plants just to keep up with how much energy is being used, even though most of it is wasted? When I was younger, my electric bill was $10 per month.


Website OVERUNITY ELECTRICITY: https://overunity-electricity.blogspot.com/

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Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Overunity-Electricity-107106261827530

Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/plasma_pi/

Tumblr: https://overunity-electricity.tumblr.com/

Bountysource: https://app.bountysource.com/teams/overunity-electricity

台長: Overunity TAO
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