製作時間: 1小時以上
份量人數: 5-6人
【麵團材料Dough Ingredients】中筋麵粉 All purpose flour 180克/g
【麵團材料Dough Ingredients】熱水 Hot water 100毫升/ml
【麵團材料Dough Ingredients】室溫水 Water 50毫升/ml
【麵團材料Dough Ingredients】鹽 Salt 1克/g
【麵團材料Dough Ingredients】油 Oil 10毫升/ml
【餡材材料 Filling Ingredients】免治牛肉 Minced beef 300克/g
【餡材材料 Filling Ingredients】蔥花 Chopped spring onion 20克/g
【餡材材料 Filling Ingredients】薑蓉 Minced ginger 1湯匙/tbsp
【餡材材料 Filling Ingredients】芝麻 Sesame 1湯匙/tbsp
【餡材材料 Filling Ingredients】五香粉 Five spices powder 1茶匙/tsp
【餡材材料 Filling Ingredients】糖 Sugar 2茶匙/tsp
骰寶遊戲【餡材材料 Filling Ingredients】豉油 Soy sauce 2湯匙/tbsp
【餡材材料 Filling Ingredients】米酒 Wine 1.5湯匙/tbsp
【餡材材料 Filling Ingredients】粟粉 Corn starch 2茶匙/tsp
【餡材材料 Filling Ingredients】水 Water 25毫升/ml
【餡材材料 Filling Ingredients】麻油 Sssame oil 2 湯匙/tbsp
1 :
先將熱水與麵粉拌勻,再加鹽及室溫水,搓至均勻 Mix well hot water and flour first. Then knead well with salt and water.
2 :
將麵團靜置20分鐘至起筋,加油搓勻,再加蓋靜置1小時 Let the dough sit for 20 minutes until gluten appear. Then knead well with oil and sit for an hour.
3 :
除麻油外,把餡料的材料拌勻 Mix all filling Ingredients except sesame oil.
4 :
最後下麻油拌勻,然後放入雪櫃雪至起膠 Stir in sesame oil. Put inside a fridge until the filling is sticky.
5 :
將麵團分成6份,搓圓後再靜置15分鐘,餡料亦分成6份 Divide the dough into 6 parts. Knead those small doughs into ball shape then sit for 15 minutes. Divide the filling into 6 parts.
6 :
把小麵團桿成圓形,再把邊位壓薄 Roll a small dough into circle shape. Then roll the edge thinner.
7 :
放入1份餡料 Add in 1 part of filling.
8 :
拿起邊轉邊摺,包成小籠包狀,再輕力壓扁 Shape the dough like a Xiao Lung Bao then press.
9 :
燒熱油,中小火下牛肉餅,每邊煎3-4分鐘至金黃即可 Heat oil. Pan fry each side for 3-4 minutes until golden brown.
- 食譜來源 : https://cook1cook.com/recipe/53731
- 發掘更多美食 : https://cook1cook.com