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【省錢妙招】Britax R-mer 兒童安全座椅 KIDFIX XP SICT 黑色系 新上市活動商品

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Britax R?mer 兒童安全座椅 KIDFIX XP SICT 黑色系


Britax R?mer 兒童安全座椅 KIDFIX XP SICT 黑色系












Britax Römer Highback Booster Car Seat KIDFIX XP SICT - Black Series 設計式樣: Flame Red · 2019


The Britax Römer Child Car Seat KIDFIX XP SICT - Black Series combines outstanding side impact protection with trendy design and bright colours. Many customers have requested a car seat with a black shell that matches the dark interior of their car. That is why Britax Römer has designed the chic and timeless KIDFIX XP SICT - Black Series. Now, it is up to you to decide which car seat suits your style and your vehicle best.

Group/ weight category:

  • Group 2/3

  • Suitable for children weighing 15 to 36 kg

  • From approx. 4 to 12 years

Conforms to the norm:

Every day, the neck of your child is exposed to many forces. In order to relieve the neck and still provide maximum protection Britax Römer combines the regular three-point harness with an additional XP-PAD that absorbs 30% of the forces. In case of a frontal impact the forces in the thoracic region and in the neck area are reduced, because your child's chin moves towards the chest. The so called XP-PAD-technology keeps your child safely in the seat.

In case of a side impact the adaptable SICT (Side Impact Cushion Technology) absorbs all the forces before they impact your child. Injuries in the neck area and in the thoracic region are thus reduced. The SICT on the door side of the seat is employed in order to leave more space to other passengers. To avoid further injuries, the large, soft padded side wings also provide protection.

The ISOFIT-system offers easy attachment to and installation in your car by using the ISOFIX-anchor points. Colour indicators signalise correct installation of the car seat. Your child is prevented from falling out of the seat by a three-point harness. Intuitive belt positioning ensures accurate use.

The Britax Römer KIDFIX XP SICT adapts to the development of your child. In order to allow your child to take a posture appropriate to his or her current stage of development the backrest of the car seat has been designed with a V-shape. This way perfect fit is guaranteed.

The soft padded seat contributes to easy and comfortable traveling. The cover can be removed and washed easily.

The Child Car Seat by Britax Römer does not only provide the most important security features, it also comes in many great and innovative designs that have something for everyone. The KIDFIX XP SICT - Black Series is worth every money and accompanies your child from the age of 4 to 12 years.

Details Britax Römer Highback Booster Car Seat KIDFIX XP SICT:

  • Black Series - black shell

  • Installation via ISOFIX (colour indicators) or three-point harness

  • Adaptable SICT-technology

  • XP-PAD-technology

  • V-shaped backrest for perfect fit

  • Height-adjustable headrest and belt positioner

  • Intuitive belt positioning for correct fitting of three-point harness

  • Soft padded, detachable and washable cover

  • Size: H 67 - 86 x W 54 - 57 - 60 x D 39 cm

  • Weight: 7,2 kg

  • Made in Germany




Britax R?mer 兒童安全座椅 KIDFIX XP SICT 黑色系






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Britax R?mer 兒童安全座椅 KIDFIX XP SICT 黑色系

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部落客推薦, Britax R?mer 兒童安全座椅 KIDFIX XP SICT 黑色系

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