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因為個人因素新聞台停滯了好一陣子真是不好意思請大家見諒sorry about not writing anything in weeks due to my personal businesshope you could understand冷冷的冬天雖然很想介紹溫暖的地方......(詳全文)
發表時間:2013-12-19 12:54 | 人氣:1237 | 回應:0
親愛的各位Dear all, 我忘記我上周四在幹嘛(好像是在讀少年PI)I think I was reading Life of Pi and I forgot to write an article....所以我居然忘記寫遊記!我不是故意的(跪~)SORRYYYY~~......(詳全文)
發表時間:2013-08-13 05:36 | 人氣:2143 | 回應:2

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