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2012-11-26 15:32:38| 人氣14| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

  Intronduce my room again.When you open the door into my ro

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  Intronduce my room again.When you open the door into my room,one can see the pictures on the wall.That was my 10 year old commemorative photos.Photo here is bookcase,stood a bookcase beside the desk and a chair.They have still a right of a fountain.The left side of the door with a computer planced.stood beside the bedside,bedside cabinet beside a bed,try to remember this one fact,wardrobe opposite the bed.Here is the place learned a good rest.

  This is my family,a happy and harmonious family.

  My family is four people:my grandma、my dad、my mom and me.My father is vehice mainternance division,nike2012超級跑目錄.My mother is businessman.Mine is a student.My father is strong,my mother is kind,mine is smart.My 12 year old now,I'm come from China,I'm very happy is this family.


台長: 葉滿亭臺
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